Merchant Cash Advance Deal Checklist Revamped

MCA Suite’s merchant cash advance deal checklist is used by funders to ensure all underwriting documents and steps are completed prior to funding the merchant. Brokers and Merchant Cash Advance ISOs use the MCA Suite deal checklist to manage stipulations and documents for funders to help merchants get funded.

Based on feedback we received from our clients, we have made the following enhancements to the MCA Deals > Checklist page:

Merchant Cash Advance Deal Checklist

1. MCA Suite pulls the default list of items from the “core” Checklist ,which can be set up by going to the Administration > Application Configuration tab. The new enhancement allows users to dynamically add new items to the default checklist that is unique to a particular deal. Users can also delete checklist items. Both changes will not affect the “core” checklist users have set up for their MCA Suite instance.

2.  The page now tracks user activity on the checklist. Any time an item is checked to mark it as completed, this action is time stamped (along with the name of the user who checked the item). This creates a log of accountability as well as a history for audit purposes.

3.  Deal information as well as checklist items now appear on the “My Deals” page. This feature allows agents working on the deal to quickly see what documents or stipulations they still need to complete or obtain, in order to drive the deal from submission to funded.

My Deals

MCA funders and brokers can use the interactive MCA Deal checklist to streamline their underwriting process.

We are always looking for suggestions to improve MCA Suite. Please feel free to contact us via email, Twitter or Facebook.

Merchant Cash Advance Deal Checklist Revamped

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