MCA Suite improved tracking and management of lead generation relationships

MCA Suite, the leading CRM for the merchant cash advance industry, has introduced a Referrals tab on all Company pages to help track the source of each lead-generation relationship. All merchant cash advance leads can be associated with a lead source, which is another contact in our CRM. Our clients and prospects can now select a Company record that is a source for their leads, and see a listing of leads provided by the selected Company contact. Even after the lead advances to the “Active” stage — meaning the contact is no longer a lead, but a merchant actively working on a deal in the system — the contact’s name will still appear on this list, as it is now a converted lead.

The list of leads tied to the selected company can be exported for reference. This new feature allows MCA brokers/ISO’s and funders the ability to better measure the quality of leads received from their lead-generation partners.

MCA Suite Referrals Page

Before the implementation of the Referrals tab, our customers were using MCA Suite’s Campaigns feature to manage their leads. The Campaigns feature tracked deal conversion, but this was not at the contact-referral level needed by our customers. The Campaigns feature was frequently used with marketing campaigns, and did not provide the level of detail and lead-generation management offered by the Referrals tab.

We will continue to make frequent improvements to MCA Suite over the summer. Please do not hesitate to send us your suggestions via our social channels.

MCA Suite improved tracking and management of lead generation relationships

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