MCA Suite offers full data backup via Dropbox integration

MCA Suite integration with Dropbox

MCA Suite, the leading CRM provider for the merchant cash advance industry, is pleased to announce a new service that will enable our clients to obtain a complete backup of their data in csv (comma-separated value) format, to be delivered to their Dropbox account on a nightly basis. In order to access this new service, MCA Suite customers need to create a Dropbox application and provide the API token to the MCA Suite support team. Here is a link containing step-by-step directions to help you obtain your Dropbox API token.

With the Dropbox API token, our team will be able to set up the delivery of data to that Dropbox account on a nightly basis. Our team will also share MCA Suite’s data dictionary to allow customers to recreate the data in their own database and run custom reports. Note this feature does not include file attachments uploaded to MCA Suite as the files are too large to be sent nightly.

With the data, our clients are responsible for the following:

1.  Creating a SQL database to be able to accept imports provided by MCA Suite.
2.  Setting up the import process to insert and update (most likely daily) data as needed.
3.  Keeping up to date with the MCA Suite team to revamp their own data schema as MCA Suite’s data model (export) changes.
4.  Making sure their Dropbox accounts do not exceed size limits.

The MCA Suite team can provide consulting services to help set up the database to accept data imports as needed.

To enable the backup feature, please contact our support team for more information.

MCA Suite offers full data backup via Dropbox integration

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