MCA Suite Improves Submission Process for Brokers/ISOs

MCA Suite is pleased to announce a new feature that allows merchant cash advance brokers/ISOs to create submission email groups. With these submission email groups, brokers can easily send all deal information and attachments to a group of funders that specialize in a particular industry or adhere to specific criteria.

Clients who use our submission feature often express a desire or need to isolate a group of funders that target merchants in particular state, or merchants who operate in a specific industry such as trucking, medical offices, etc. In other words, not all lenders will work with all merchants. With submission email groups, brokers can select correct, focused lenders in one go. They no longer need to worry about submitting to these similar lenders individually, or risk submitting to funders who will not work with merchants or fund deals outside specific lending criteria. Instead, brokers can submit their deals in a more targeted and effective manner. This will improve their odds of finding interested lenders and of securing funding offers more quickly.

Here is an article with step-by-step directions on how to set up and use submission groups.

If you have any questions about this or any other feature of MCA Suite, please contact us at for more info.

MCA Suite Improves Submission Process for Brokers/ISOs